Tyler CEO of X$V
I am a 25 year old from New York City. Since a young age ive been fascinated with all kinds of markets and trading. way back to early elementary school i remember trading things like pokemon cards and sports cards things of that nature as i went on id eventually learn how to corner these markets and gain from them. the thing is i didnt have a priviliged or “easy” life. for awhile growing up i was a normal kid going to school playing soccer and what not. By the age of 10 my dad had died and it left my mom alone with 4 kids in such a broken state. From there on out we didnt have much and were constantly moving houses and even having to sleep in the car at times. So i had to take to my own knowledge to make money to fund the things i enjoyed. i started buying and selling in middle school id sell candy and those same collectables kids were interested in at the time. this would also fund me getting a gaming computer opening up a whole new world to me. first it started off with the game csgo and its market for in game items. i started trading these skins and making large profits *keep in mind some of the skins in that game would sell for thousands of us dollars, yes real us currency Later into high school itd evolve into selling the newest shoes or designer brands like supreme that were popular back then in 2015/2016. but also keeping interest in computers like crypto and stock exchanges as those grew to popularity and even coding by then i was so into everything and even doing graphic design/video editing and making money from it all this was by my sophmore/junior year. with all of this going on it impacted my time at school it got to the point where most the time i wouldnt even show up cause i was working but the thing was i was making a fulltime income from it all and still going to school everyone pushed me to stay and try harder with school but in my mind i could only imagine how much id make if i could be expanding my business/services with the time i was at school. So in my teenage head i dropped out and focused on making money. nobody around me including my family or close friends knew close to what i was actually making but doing primarily editing i had done a few big jobs editing for content creators and music artist i made enough to take crypto/stock trading serious as well and with the two i made 48k by the time i dropped out 2nd semester for the next 2 semsters til the end of the year i made another 23k with alot of it being saved. what would of been my senior year i really grinded i went full in when everyone was in school i was and even when they werent i was. with grinding editing and trading i had made my first $100,000 dollars at the age of 18. i got my GED bought a car and my own apartment and started going at it like never before and living life to the fullest. i am now 25 as of writing this i own a 650,000$ house in upstate new york and primarily travel/work. with all of this i wanted to take current technology and my knowledge to help others in positions i was once in with a smart and safe way of doing so. so started talking to people and finding help to create where we are now. I hope my story inspires you and pulls you into investing with XLU$IVE that way i can continue to improve life for not only myself but others.
How it works?
XLU$IVE is an automated web interface bot using GPT ai to copy trade your funded wallet based on Tylers trades. We only collect 5% of earning. ON a regualar basis we do 2x even 3x trades within days money guaranteed! Reach out to Tyler on telegram for any questions and to open an account with a minimum deposit of 100$ where you will then have access to a panel with full control and ability to withdraw at any time.